Sortation Systems

Håndtering af en bred vifte af produkter, høj kapacitet

Pålidelig, hurtig og effektiv ordrebehandling afhænger af sorterings systemer med højt gennemløb i hjertet af det moderne logistikcenter. Dematic tilbyder en række lineære og recirkulerende transportør sorteringssystemer, der drives af state-of-the-art kontroller og software til at levere optimeret lagerdrift og supply chain visualisering.

Dematic-sorteringssystemet bruges af større detailhandlere, forsendelses- og fragtfirmaer, 3PL'er, producenter og andre distributører, der kræver hurtig, nøjagtig og økonomisk produkthåndtering. Med stigende lønomkostninger og den stigende efterspørgsel efter hurtigere og mere lydsvage operationer forbedrer Dematic-sorteringssystemet produktivitet, behandlingskapacitet og distributøransvar.

Fordele ved Dematic Sorterings system

  • At give forbrugerne en økonomisk og effektiv varestrøm
  • Reducer lønomkostningerne med hurtig og præcis automatisering
  • Øget produktions- og logistik kapacitet
  • Giv et højt niveau af nøjagtig materialesporbarhed
  • Integrer med avanceret forsyningskædeteknologi

Sorteringer, der giver dig en konkurrencemæssig fordel

Dematic-sorteringssystemet øger reaktionsevnen og gør det muligt for lagre og distributionscentre at modtage og sende varer rettidigt, hvilket resulterer i betydelige lager reduktioner. Cross-docking- og gennemstrømningsbehandlingsprocessen arbejder sammen med sorteringssystemet Dematic for at distribuere sager til butikker, efterhånden som de modtages. Nogle detailhandlere behandler op til 90% af deres varer på denne måde, hvilket eliminerer behandlings trinnene, der består af opbevaring, genopfyldning og plukning, og giver anlægget mulighed for at fungere med lidt lager.

I årevis har store detailhandlere været afhængige af det Dematic-sorteringssystem med høj kapacitet til at distribuere varer til den laveste pris pr. Kasse. Mange producenter af hurtige forbrugsvarer er afhængige af Dematic-sorteringssystemet til at håndtere kartoner med produkter, når de forlader deres produktionslinjer.

Dematisk sorteringssystem til ordrebehandling

Benefits of Dematic sortation systems

Dematic works with you to determine the sortation system that is right for your situation. 

An operational-based design approach — engineer sorting systems focused on operational excellence

  • Solution development — non-biased, data driven; simulation/emulation tools assure best performance
  • Best practice sharing — between Dematic global engineering teams creates world-class solutions
  • Configuration software — speeds/optimizes sorting system solution development through implementation processes

Ready to talk about your sortation needs?

Sortation technology for every application

Dematic offers a suite of sorting technologies designed to accommodate a wide variety of applications, load types, and rates. We analyze your workflows and apply the appropriate sorting technology to meet operational requirements and provide return on investment.

Designed for low to mid-rate sorting and to support order picking configurations that use the “container to the pick zone” or zone route fulfillment method. Dematic diverters control the flow to and from workstations, storage subsystems, and pack/ship processing. Dematic diverters include steerable wheel, right angle transfer, and horizontal belt diverters.

Sortation system management

Sortation system modules are managed and controlled as one integrated machine, the modules manage gapping, scanning, divert control, and accountability. 

Key attributes:

  • Provides strategic transport and sortation of barcoded cartons/totes/bags/envelopes 
  • Manages and collects load IDs 
  • Sends sort/divert commands 
  • Reports actual delivery to the destination 
  • Visualization and reporting 
  • Warehouse management system (WMS) interface: wave, order, line 
  • Batch or discrete strategies 
  • Interface to scanners, print and apply labelers, scales, case sealers 

Sortation logic examples include:

  • Standard
  • Geographic region
  • Truck delivery route sequence
  • Door per store
  • Order consolidation

Sort controller

  • Manages carton induction and tracking 
  • Handles carton gapping and scanning 
  • Translates carton ID into divert assignment 
  • Diverts control and sort accountability 
  • Handles optional weighing and dimensioning 
  • PC platform with robust QNX real-time operating system 
  • Manages mid to high throughput 
  • High data transaction capacity 
  • Extremely stable 
  • Proven technology: 30 years of experience and 2,500 systems installed
  • Standardized: easy tech support

User configurable:

  • Set window for carton gap
  • Set distance between sensors 
  • Set divert locations
  • Set speed: auto or fixed

Why Dematic sortation systems?

Modular, flexible, and scalable, Dematic’s sortation systems can be configured to your company’s specific needs. They’ll help you optimize your supply chain, increase throughput, and adjust to your operation’s changing volumes and product mix. 

It is critical to select the right supplier - one that will be a trusted partner throughout the entire process.

As a company that’s led innovation in Supply Chain for more than 200 years, Dematic provides the widest range of solutions and the expertise to build the solution you need for complete control and visibility over your operation. 

Our solutions are tailored to your business challenges. Using standardized sub-systems and industry-leading insight and expertise, Dematic provides world-class integrated hardware, software, and support to help you empower people, optimize space, drive growth and improve efficiency.

With Dematic, you can grow your business to compete locally, retain customer loyalty, and deliver with speed and accuracy on a global scale.

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