Work-in-Process Buffer System

For Staging Between Processes


The Dematic Work-in-Process Buffer Piece Pick System uses an automated storage sub-system to stage materials between processes. The system provides high throughput and buffer capacity with scan validation and real-time control for work-in-progress (WIP) applications. For example, to balance variations in flow between production processes or accommodate a curing time requirement.

It is a buffering system for manufacturing and assembly operations. Typical applications include manufacturers of durable goods such as automotive components, appliances, medical devices, and agricultural machinery.


  • Process improvement
  • Compact system footprint
  • High throughput in/out
  • Controlled access inventory storage
  • Scan verification provides high accuracy
  • Scalable and expandable for future changes

System description

The Dematic Work-in-Process Buffer Piece Pick System has a pre-engineered, standardized design configuration that ensures predictable performance.

The system configuration supports work-in-process buffer storage with the capacity to accommodate mid to high-rate flow inbound and outbound. The system is integrated into manufacturing operations.

Inbound WIP materials from production are inducted into the automated storage buffer. The system scans and weighs (optional) inventory containers (typically totes) and their contents for accuracy to confirm piece count in the tote. The weigh check can also indicate whether an “over-weight” condition exists.

When the system receives a request for release of specific work in process materials, the automated storage sub-system retrieves inventory totes and transports them via conveyor to the outbound spur. Totes are transported manually via cart to the appropriate production workstations. As an option, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) or automated guided vehicles (AGVs) can transport the totes.

System management

The Dematic Warehouse Execution System (WES) software is the scalable logistics platform that controls and synchronizes workflows. The Dematic WES dynamically manages processes, inventory, labor, and material handling automation in real time.

The Dematic WES determines and tracks buffer storage locations for the work in process totes within the automated storage sub-system. When the WES receives transport orders, the Manufacturing Execution System (host) determines the appropriate materials for allocation.

Manufacturing Execution System (Host)

  • Sumit move request
  • Manage inventory

WIP move orders

Status and completion

Dematic Warehouse Execution System

  • Order management and execution
  • Order attributes, priority, changes
  • Synchronize and optimize processes
  • Scan and weigh confirmation
  • Manage inbound and outboud flow
  • Visibility and insight


The Dematic Work-in-Process Buffer Piece Pick System is more accurate, requires less labor to operate, and uses less warehouse space than Non-Automated Buffer systems.

Non-Automated WIP Buffer Automated WIP Buffer
Manual process Automated process
Manual put-away, manual retrieval Put-away and retrieval automated
Traditional low-density shelving for storage High density, small footprint WIP staging
Staff sets pace for all tasks Optimized throughput with less labor
Reaching, bending, and lifting materials in and out of shelving Improved worker ergonomics
Manual functions prone to errors, inefficient, slow Execution software synchronizes workflows
Limited throughput and capacity More throughput and buffer capacity
Limited real time visibility and insight Real-time visibility and insights

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