Modern Slavery Statement

The Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement - 2025/2026


Dematic Limited (“Dematic”) understands that slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking (i.e., modern slavery) are issues of increasing global concern, affecting all sectors, regions, and economies.

Modern slavery of any type is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by Dematic. We are committed to fulfilling our duty of respecting, protecting, and defending the fundamental rights of all those who encounter our business, including but not limited to, employees, customers, supply chain workers and local communities.

This statement is published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and it sets out the steps Dematic will take to prevent modern slavery in our business operations and supply chains.

About Dematic

Dematic is a worldwide provider of automated material handling systems and services within the intralogistics sector.

Dematic is a subsidiary of KION Group AG (“KION”). Together, Dematic and KION foster a culture of compliance and high ethical standards which are uniform throughout their trading locations worldwide.

Any breach of any compliance code, policy or principle is treated extremely seriously within our organisations.

Business Structure

Dematic has its head office in Adderbury, Oxfordshire and undertakes business in the United Kingdom, Scandinavia, and other parts of Europe. In addition, Dematic runs two engineering departments in Lithuania.

The global Dematic group of companies undertake business worldwide and have manufacturing operations in North America, Mexico, China, Germany, the Czech Republic. These manufacturing operations exist to serve the internal supply chain needs of the Dematic global group. Globally, Dematic directly employs circa 7000 people and Dematic Limited employs circa 1000 people directly.

Assessment of Modern Slavery Risk

Dematic has increased its focus on the risk of modern slavery and continues to develop and assess its third-party supply chain.

The majority of Dematic employees are directly employed under permanent employment contracts. Accordingly, our assessment is that the greatest risk area for the existence of any modern slavery practices is within its global third-party supply chain.

As a result of the nature of the projects involved in our business, Dematic makes extensive use of subcontractors for short, fixed periods. Subcontractor services are predominantly classified in relation to the provision of equipment, software, and labour. In respect of subcontract labour, this predominantly takes the form of subcontracted mechanical and electrical installation at customer sites upon which Dematic undertakes projects.

We understand that our biggest exposure to modern slavery is in our third-party supply chains; and as such, we constantly monitor our supply chain to minimise the risk of modern slavery.

We recognise the importance of supply chain due diligence. New suppliers and factories/sites are subject to due diligence checks in the form of ethical/compliance audits conducted by or on behalf of Dematic. Dematic also regularly conducts ethical/compliance audits for its existing suppliers. These audits assess compliance with Dematic's Code of Conduct and ethical trading practices and are, amongst other things, intended to identify any modern slavery practices. If issues are identified, appropriate investigative and remedial actions are promptly taken.

Dematic will continue working to obtain best practice in supply chain transparency.

Policies and Contractual Controls

Dematic continuously develops its business operations strategy with integrity and corporate responsibility. We are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in all business we undertake and actively seek assurances from our trading partners and supply chain in this regard.

Dematic's main operational policies related to respecting, protecting, and remedying the human rights of all those who work for or in association with Dematic are based on the KION Global Compliance Programme. As its subsidiary, Dematic adheres to the high compliance standards of KION, including but not limited to its Statements on the Human Rights Strategy and the International Minimum Employment Standards in the KION Group.

Dematic recognises that human rights risks are inherent in global sourcing. Dematic continuously works to actively identify these risks and take appropriate actions. Suppliers are required to contractually comply with prohibitions on modern slavery and regular audits are conducted. Employees are educated through training provided by the company via various mediums and at regular intervals.

Modern Slavery Training

All employees of Dematic are required to undertake compliance training on commencement of employment and regularly thereafter. All Dematic employees are educated on the codes of compliance, and what it means to trade ethically.

Dematic and KION support compliance culture within our organisations; every Dematic employee is aware of their individual responsibility to comply with the internal and external regulations of KION.

Employees are aware of the various mediums they may use to report any anomaly, including reports made in accordance our whistleblowing policy and / or through the employee support hotline.

Modern Slavery Statement 2025/2026 was approved by Dematic's Board of Directors:

Name: Bruce Siddorn

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